FIFA 21 Ambassador Trailers (2020)
Client: EA Sports
Agency: Riff Raff Films
Director: Keane Pearce Shaw
Studio: MPC
Design Team: Paul Hunt, Donal O'Keeffe, Jessica Gaynor, Lora Nikolaeva (2D) & Ryan Hancocks (Producer)
Role: Art direction, design & animation

In the new RIFF RAFF and EA SPORTS campaign, there is no holding back the youth in the FIFA 21 Ambassador Trailers,

MPC partnered with Riff Raff to remotely deliver EA SPORTS’ new star-studded FIFA 21 Ambassador Trailers.
Director, Keane Pearce Shaw from Riff Raff Films and the MPC design team worked in close collaboration to develop and create a style that could act as the gel that helps tell a story combined of real world and gameplay components. Art Directed by Paul Hunt, and co-lead by Art Director Donal O’Keeffe, MPC’s design team collaborated once again with the collage artist Jazz Grant to help create a mixture of old school analogue collages alongside a sketchbook montage animation.
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